Two Canberra Locations: Shop 3/39 O'Hanlon Place NICHOLLS ACT and Shop 14 Iluka Street NARRABUNDAH ACT
Phone: Nicholls -(02) 6242 9192 OR Narrabundah - 0421 517 730
Lockdown Mindfulness - Take care of you!
Please ensure you take time for your self care and mental health during this time as well as every day. Below, are some at home mindfullness and self care activities we have created just for you.
Self Care Checklist
Choose an activity to allow for some feel good energy throughout your body. Aim to get all of the activities marked off over a couple of weeks
Mindfulness Colouring
Need a some downtime? Colouring can be quite therapeutic when executed in such a way. Relax, take time to progress through and don't aim for perfection - it doesn't exist! Aim to connect with colours and breathe deep.